Start Date:
Jun 14, 2021 2:00 AM
End Date:
May 14, 2022 1:30 PM
Product Description

HI Smarty!

Good to see you here with all the Dumb Mastery members.

Well, My Name is AMIT NATH (people call me DADA).

My Story in short: A backbencher who did go to college but never attended the classes. I felt it was one of the Dumb sessions for me.


Because someone is going to read somebody's life discovery & experiences and somewhere this "someone"(teacher) going to articulate something in someway & some stuff is going to be pushed to some-blank-virgin- brains (students) who will in-turn understand something or nothing out of it, and vomit same-thing for a test of his brains for grades.


I got fed up with this rat race and did practice something called the Dumb Mastery. Well, that was not the name when I was practicing that.

I was always a First-grade student (Got kilos of certificate and {Utensils - all the medals and trophies which are of no good than new homes for rodents and spiders} - I just meant I was a good student) without even attending the classes and I am revealing you this secret of mine which took a good amount time & a lot of trial and error plus scientific research efforts.

I was just amazed that by default I was practicing the lost ancient Yogic meditative practices.

In ancient India, the first university is called Nalanda University which is near to my Birthplace, harbors the lost manuscript that modern-day digital shortcut seeking human would not be able to decipher.

I did meet someone who was able to recite some portion of the lost hymn & found that it was sensational.

What is Dumb Mastery? This concept was from the time of Mahabharata where "Eklavya" a boy who lived in the jungle -practiced & mastered the art of Archery without the physical Guru - "Dronacharaya", Just keeping a mud-made statute he used to focus and practice thinking the Guru is with him and used the same technique of Dumb mastery to be known as the best Archer of the world that even Arjuna was NO MATCH.

It's a process where you are trained by your conscious self & you would experience Epiphany every time.

Your visualization/planning/gut feeling and control of your untamed thought & streamline into the most productive output.

How it is done? Every day morning just after your morning chores like rituals and household stuff, you get a suspension time in between your work and personal life. This time is usually before your 9 to 5 and after your morning exercises. This transition time is the apt moment to plan or execute the toughest / most important thing in your life.

According to some experts, it's like "Eating the ugliest frog in the morning."

We get together over a Zoom / Video interface without the voice & just perform the 15 min to 20 mins of an undisturbed implementation of the same with our videos turned on exactly at 7:55AM.

This way people are accountable and psychologically feel the power of togetherness when they see each other focused on one thing.

This feeling of mutual accountability with the anthem "All for one and one for all", works sensationally well.

In less than a month, this forms a habit and now anyone or any age group can attend this session from any part of the world with any language and just practice the Dumb Session.

Yes, this does not need any guru, coach, mentor, or trainers.

You just work on your top, the high-priority task of the day at this time (in a scientific accountable manner using Declaration tactics through Google Forms).

Mostly this time is good for planning the entire day out as well which gives a milestone map & discipline where anyone can visualize the day & can refrain from unproductive time zones.

Dumb Mastry has another amazing side as each day we work on a mind exploration which is intended inwards with the principles of DADA called #influenceinnerself.

In less than 5 to 10 mins this exercise helps you to touch, trigger & tease those areas of your mind where we usually don't & this helps one to unfold & unlock their true unidentified potentials.

Areas that would come under many awakenings are 100X (times) more powerful than meditation or manifestation exercise.

Some of the participants also believe that this exercise is way more powerful than just reciting affirmation.

Reasoning why Affirmation and silence meditation and visualization won't work because when you come back to reality after the hallucination of just feeling good factor, your sense of despair and hopelessness does still exist. This creates a tyndal effect (a partial mind suspension) clogged with what to do and how to tackle this new illusive mind which is neither the monkey nor the man but just a mere time consuming dope to tickle your perineal gland or at least I can say attempt to tickle in the name of awakening chakras etc…

Only with implementation/declaration and the act of Doing you push yourself ahead.

According to the ancient Hindu relics, when people get together and perform yogic sacrifices like Homa, Yagna, etc, it's all related to the power of your frequency & vibration towards mutual well-being.

The dumb mastery is also based on the same principle which also pushes people of all religions to close their eyes before their Demi-Gods, even for a few seconds just to get that power of focus and clarity.

Remember every inspiration or motivation comes from someone's effort and doing or some deed and that's a motion, a verb. Every single soul who is influencers, leaders of ancient or modern urban lifestyle have DONE something in their life commendable that you or we all cherish today. Thats called the Karma.

A thought in your mind is as good as no thought if its not executed.

If you need a better life, If you need a better tomorrow, If you need a better physical, mental & spiritual

Then you need to work towards that with an undisturbed, digital detox and with ther power of Accountability discipline.

For the first timers this exercise would open up your consciousness to a new dimension and you would experience new hidden powers inside you like:-

being social (meeting lovely new people every day) being able to deep study self being in the company of high power charged batteries of highly qualified living legends and knowledge givers being able to deep-dive your inner consciousness which otherwise is not possible get 100X power of implementation/ getting things done / Overcome procrastination & transform from unproductive to Superhuman abilities. Being dumb you look inside and become resourceful, you start to get things done with whatever you have. Being focused for 30 mins in the first half itself Being more planned, structured Being more conscious about Time-consuming to time investing. Being able to manage self than manage time with grace. being more thoughtful, open, and observative become not only a thinker but a doer mindset being a better team player being more satisfied, as you learn from so many sects of life. being able to change the perspective from problem-centric to solution-centric. being better at networking with dumb communication being a part of the movement that aims at making the world a better place to be with the anthem of "All for One and One for all". being human to being better humankind. being just aware to start awakening being a better powerful positive profound soul

This is an opportunity for life mastery with just the discipline set by DADA.

What's the cost? The contribution towards an annual membership fee is just Rs 500/- per month with Rs 6000/- (One-time payment). https://imjo.in/mDqW7k

If you want half-yearly then it would cost you Rs. 4000/- for 6 months. https://imjo.in/bfMH7U

And if you want it quarterly then you just pay Rs 2500/- for 3 months https://imjo.in/QG5tVK

Else Rs 987/- per month (Remember Sunday's are holidays for you to rest) https://rzp.io/i/4Gjmo3K (Includes VIP passed for a month {4 events of Heart talk + 4 events of Power pitch} otherwise charged at Rs. 299/- per session)

And if you join now you get a free membership to enjoy this month (last day 30 or 31st of the month).

No obligation, We would love to have you just share your experience in a small video testimonial.

Yes, thats all.

What happens post-transaction?

One of the senior Community members would be automatically assigned to you, who would guide you through the entire program guidelines and room hygiene.

He/She would be your accountability partner for a week & would also guide you with the essence of the family / the mission and the nettigrities of the Power Pitch presentation and Heart Talk.

These people were like you one day and now they are qualified to answer any FAQs.

This is a lifetime experience designed for you by the best brains of the community and DADA's founding thoughts with an intent to help people like you grow many folds.

Still you have doubts?

Get that cleared book a FREE Clarity call with any one of the members here with the link shared at your own time .

Accountability Partner 1{Name} = Appointment LINK for Induction session Accountability Partner 2 {Name} = Appointment LINK for Induction session

(Kindly note NO one is an employee or into any associate jobs with AMKAN or AMIT NATH & are highly qualified people with extreme dedication- request you to treat them as Mentors and commence your communication with utmost gratitude and respect for the time and the value that they would bestow.Its a service in disguise to help path lost travellers with the dynamics of the family and its cultural workabilities )

Thank you AMIT NATH

(Unless it comes from heart restrict calling me as DADA) {Come witness, experience, and imbibe just happiness of being an achiever and extreme bliss}. This is just a small step towards a Nation Building from within.

Remember: Your decision and action today is the only thing that's going to determine your tomorrow. YOU are a sum total of your decision & what choice do you have better than this!

NOTE: THIS LINK IS only for your 1st month of Membership. You would be prompted to opt-in for either 1yr or 6 months. We do not have auto-renewal at this time just for the ease of your attendance.


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